
Founder & Boss Babe of Playful Loving Holistic Love Initiative.
Viktoria Kalenteris on motorcycle - About me - Playful Loving with Viktoria

I invite you to close your eyes and imagine what it’s like to be in a warm, playful loving, intimate relationship. Can you picture what it’s like to feel totally at ease with expressing your desires and needs. To feel supported and connected at the deepest levels?

Okay, now open your eyes. Is this your reality? If it is, I’m so happy for you. If it’s not, then I want you to know you are not alone.

So many people feel awkward and uncomfortable in their intimate relationships with themselves, loved ones and day to day life. They do not know how to ask for what they need and want without feeling a myriad of negative feelings like; fear, anger, sadness, guilt, unsafe, rejection, abandonement, and shame. They are left feeling lonely and disconnected, robbing themselves of their birthright to joyful connection to life.

I help you to reconnect to yourself /and partner with presence and passion, and build your confidence. So you can connect deeply, live fully and laugh often. So you can become an amazing partner. So you can attract the right partner for you. 

My passion to become a holistic intimacy coach led me to take a closer look at the word “Intimacy”. I found that intimacy:[Into-Me-See] is about empowered self-awareness to confidently love S.L.O. (self, life, & others). 

Empowering your embodiement of love, passion, and intimacy for a lifetime of joy!

Viktoria Kalenteris on motorcycle - About me - Playful Loving with Viktoria

Its about practicing.
The 5 Pillars to Healthy Connection:

  1. Self-Awareness of your “now” with accountability, ownership and no judgement/critic.
  2. Authenticity connect with curiosity to self, loved ones and life.
  3. Release past hurts, tendencies, conditioning and limiting beliefs.
  4. Curiously look at new possibilities of connection and growth.
  5. Mindfully engage with life’s experiences and be open to what is revealed to you.

Awareness Activates Connection.
You are invited to LOVE S.L.O. (self, life, and others).


By sharing this excerpt from my story book of life, I share the context, reason, and inspiration for why I chose to help others overcome their challenges and pain. Bring insight to curiosity and expression. Helping people reconnect to living a healthy and happy embodied balance of compassion, love, kindness, strength, resiliency, confidence, creativity, and playfulness and more, for a life filled with JOY!

This chapter of my life has elements of great, good, bad, and ugly.
I grew up in a strict Greek orthodox family. I was disciplined in the art of heightened service awareness and self-sacrificing. I was trained to place myself as an after thought. Being of service to my family showed me the way to be validated, to feel worthy, and be loved. 
As a result, I left myself on the back burner, putting others before me. I basically took on my mothers trauma wounds and narrative of surviving in an abusive and loveless marriage. 
History repeated itself. I was physcially and emotionally traumatized from 11 – 18 years of age.  I numbed out, focused on excelling in school and showing a different side of myself to the world outside of my home.  When I walked through the door of our house I just followed orders because I was conditioned to accept life this way.
At 17 I was forced into an arranged marriage and at the hands of my husband, I was emotionally and physically abused. I was a sobbing messy wreck. A wounded child holding myself in the safety of a closet for over 24hrs. Refusing to come out. I only remember my best friends hand reaching for my hand and slowly pulling me out.
This was a very dark time in my life. Trust was broken and smashed to bits. I completely disengaged and disconnected from myself, life and others.  I did not know who to trust. I did not know who was safe.  I felt that no one understood me and felt incredibly alone.
To survive, I adapted daily distractive coping mechanisms that led me to create armour around my heart, mind, body and spirit. Creating a sense of safety by keeping busy with 3 jobs. My protective warrior side also emerged and I became more masculine within a hypervigilant state of disconnection.  I lived with my lifeforce energy volume turned to a low hum. Unable to love myself and kept people at a distance. I became a prisoner of my own depressive sadness and isolation.
My mind turned to anger and frustration and I struggled with unanswered questions: Why did this happen to me? What did I do wrong? Why do men inflict this kind of pain? Why are men abusive?
For years this was my life.  
The day arrived where I realized I was tired of holding up my protective armour.  I made a decision; I did not want to live in this trauma vortex of anger and frustration, numbness, pain, and disconnection.  This was the turning point. The point in my life that I realized my need to breathe deeply and burning desire to live life fully and authentically. I was motivated to begin my healing journey. 
During my healing journey, it hit me.  Talk therapy was not working for me. Talking about the past did not release what my body remembered. I came to understand that my body, heart, mind, and spirit must heal together. Heal holistically. To be in concert not conflict. 
The healing journey became a circle of healing and inluded somatic trauma releasing. This was the most amazing breakthrough for me. This inspried a full-body re-awakening, a reconnection to playful loving, a rebuilding of my confidence, a return of my passion, creativity and curiosity for life, and reclaimation of my feminine flow and joy!
A remembering of who I am and what I am meant to do in this lifetime.

Celebrating 20 years of empowering education, guidance, teaching, counselling and coaching for women, men, and couples.

Dedicated to creating safe and nurturing environments to somatically release negative emotions, trauma, anxiety, and tension. All done through transfromational learning and practical guidelines for success and much more.

As a transformational Counsellor, Life Coach, Reiki practitioner and Hatha, Laya and Trauma Sensitive Yoga instructor, Tantra teacher, Compassionate Communication facilitator, and Teacher trainer of Holistic Chi Kung Massage – HCKM (de-armouring bodywork), Bondassage®, and Soma Love® energy & touch bodywork. In addition, Elemental Rhythm Breathwork facilitator and Shaking Meditation with T.R.E.® (Tension/Trauma Release Exercises) provider.

You can choose to take your heroes journey of empowerment through personal coaching, group programs, mentorship, and training. 

Choose to take the first step and make a difference in your life today by scheduling your complimentary Discovery Session. Take the opportunity to share your story, challenges, concerns, and curiosities. And for us to see how we can best support you. During this call you may receive recommendations, setting you on your empowerment path immediately.

Wondrous delights,

When Viktoria is not coaching, counselling or training, she is learning new tools for her craft. She loves gourmet cooking and the synergy of Tango or the feminine energy of bellydancing. As an artist she expresses through photography and digital art. She also has a heartfelt connection to her mothers’ homeland in the Mediterranean Sea and loves going on new adventures that peek her interest.

Viktoria’s Life Philosophy:

Be mindfully aware and always within boundaries of safety, consent and comfort levels with respect, honour and trust with yourself, first and foremost, and then reciprocally with others.

Your Next Step

Click the button below to schedule your 20 minute complimentary Discovery session. I look forward to connecting with you!

Education and Training

Photo of Viktoria Kalenteris from Playful Loving - Intimacy coaching and tantra programs

Life Coach – Certified Coaches Federation (CCF)

Lifespace Transformational Counselling

De-Armouring Massage: HCKM
Holistic Chi Kung Massage Teacher/Trainer

Tantra Teacher {Vajrayana} Buddhist
Lama Tashi, Kauai Dharma Centre

TRE® Certified Provider
TRE® is somatic practice of muscular to neurogenic (nervous system) releasing of tension, stress, anxiety and trauma.

Tantra Touch & Energy Massage
Soma Love® Teacher/Trainer

Bondassage® & Elysium® Teacher/Trainer

Trauma Sensitive Yoga Teacher Training
Trauma Sensitive Yoga

Hatha & Laya Yoga Teacher
with Vichara Yoga

The Wisdom of Trauma: Return to Wholneness Course  Dr. Gabor Mate

Psycho~Biological Approach
to Couple Therapy with Dr. Stan Tatkin (PACT)

Reiki Level 1 & 2 Healing Practitioner – Wuji Xuan
Reiki Master Level – Power of Healing

Discovery Method of Teaching Certificate

Sex Therapy Intensive Certificate, U of Guelph

Sexual Attitudes Reassessment (S.A.R.) U of Guelph

Human Relations Major & Psychology Minor, Concordia U

Mentors and Colleagues